Access to financing

Who can benefit from ROGEAP funding?
Mainly commercial banks, banking-type financial institutions, microfinance institutions and debt funds.
Where can I find ROGEAP financing?
In banks, financial institutions of a banking nature, microfinance institutions and debt funds, having benefited from refinancing under the IDA credit line granted by the World Bank to BOAD within the framework of the ROGEAP.
How to benefit from ROGEAP financing (Main documents)
The General Manager of the Financial Institution shall submit a request for financing to the President of BOAD, specifying in particular the amount requested and including in particular :
- bylaws, organization chart ;
- activity reports for the last five years ;
- financial statements for the past five years + auditors’ reports
- Statutory Auditors;
- report of the last audit mission of the Commission Bancaire ;
- program of activities for the next 05 years, highlighting, in particular, forecasts for the granting of loans;
- projected operating accounts for the next 05 years with related assumptions (business plan if applicable);
- project pipeline ;
- guarantee proposed to cover any BOAD loan.
BOAD intervention criteria
Commercial banks, financial institutions of a banking nature, microfinance institutions and debt funds in WAEMU member countries are eligible in accordance with the following criteria:
- satisfactory organizational and institutional capacities and governance structure ;
- adequate systems for assessing, monitoring and managing credit risks ;
- compliance with the rules laid down by the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) and other applicable regulations;
- application of anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing and anti-corruption standards;
- compliance with current and future consumer protection legislation and regulations, particularly in the field of financial services.
These resources are intended for :
- solar companies involved in the marketing of solar kits or on-demand micro-industrial solutions for financing the purchase/sale of approved equipment;
- or to final beneficiaries, i.e. households, schools, health centers, micro and small businesses, for financing their equipment.
- Promissory bills in favour of BOAD and domiciled at the central bank or at a bank, representing each loan instalment and/or ;
- Building mortgage and/or any other guarantee of value deemed satisfactory by BOAD.