ECOWAS – Strengthening Capacity Building for Grievance Redress Mechanism in ROGEAP Project Implementation.
ABUJA, September 20, 2023 – ECOWAS, under the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP), is a pioneering initiative aimed at increasing electricity access to households, businesses, and public institutions in

ROGEAP – Entrepreneurship support mechanism: A call for expressions of interest to pre-select OGS entrepreneurs and SMEs
A call for expressions of interest will be launched from November 14, 2023, via www.rogeappfm.org, for the pilot countries, Burkina, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Mauritania and Nigeria, with the aim

The Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP) officially launched in Cabo Verde by H.E. Dr Omar Alieu TOURAY, President of the ECOWAS Commission
The opening ceremony of the 8th ECOWAS Sustainable Energy Forum (ESEF 2023) organized by the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in Praia, Cabo Verde, on

Nigeria (ECOWAS) Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project Grant No.: D7840 Assignment Title: Development and implementation of sustainable business and financing models for the electrification of public rural health centers and

The 8th edition of the ECOWAS Sustaina-ble Energy Forum (ESEF) and the launch of the ROGEAP on 12 October 2023 in Praia
The ECOWAS Commission organizes the 8th edition of the ECOWAS Sustaina-ble Energy Forum (ESEF) and the launch of the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project on 12 October 2023 in Praia,

Accelerating Access to Renewable Energy in West Africa
FREETOWN, January 31, 2023 (Source Website WorldBank) — Activities under the new Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project (RESPITE) have officially kicked off in Freetown to increase electricity access to

National launch of ROGEAP in Cameroon: the project extends to Central African countries
National launch of the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (Ecowas Rogeap _ Projet Régional d'Accès à l'Électricité Hors réseau ROGEAP) in Cameroon: the project extends its activities to Central African

Implementation: ECOWAS hires a consortium of firms
Project implementation ROGEAP: lECOWAS commits group of firms for provide technical and financial assistance to companies off-grid solar PV companies and financial institutions in the 19 project countries. As part

ECOWAS officially launches ROGEAP project activities in Liberia and Mauritania.
ECOWAS officially launches the activities of its Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP) in Liberia and Mauritania. Renewable energy stakeholders from Liberia and Mauritania took part in the official launch

Lomé, Regional capacity-building workshop for experts from ROGEAP member states
From May 16 to 18, 2023, the Togolese capital Lomé is hosting a regional capacity-building workshop for experts from ROGEAP member states on standards for solar home system kits with