ROGEAP raises awareness and trains national experts in Cotonou on regional standards for off-grid solar PV products
From March 19 to 21, 2024, national experts are in a capacity-building session on the two regional standards for off-grid solar products with a power rating of 350Wp or less,

Press release: 2nd ROGEAP regional workshop to finalize media strategy.
2nd Regional Workshop of the Journalists' Network of the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP) to finalize a media strategy for the visibility of the project's activities in member states.

National launch of ROGEAP in Cameroon: the project extends to Central African countries
National launch of the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (Ecowas Rogeap _ Projet Régional d'Accès à l'Électricité Hors réseau ROGEAP) in Cameroon: the project extends its activities to Central African

Implementation: ECOWAS hires a consortium of firms
Project implementation ROGEAP: lECOWAS commits group of firms for provide technical and financial assistance to companies off-grid solar PV companies and financial institutions in the 19 project countries. As part

Norms and standards for electrotechnical, agri-food, technological and chemical products in West Africa.
A meeting of Ministers of Industry from ECOWAS member states to validate norms and standards for electrotechnical, agro-food, technology and chemical products in West Africa was held on Thursday March