ROGEAP raises awareness and trains national experts in Cotonou on regional standards for off-grid solar PV products
From March 19 to 21, 2024, national experts are in a capacity-building session on the two regional standards for off-grid solar products with a power rating of 350Wp or less,

Press release: 2nd ROGEAP regional workshop to finalize media strategy.
2nd Regional Workshop of the Journalists' Network of the Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP) to finalize a media strategy for the visibility of the project's activities in member states.

Meeting of Standards, Industry and Energy Experts from ECOWAS Member States
Experts in Standards, Industry and Energy from ECOWAS member states met in Banjul, The Gambia, from March 27 to 29 to discuss and pre-validate the report of the latest ECOSHAM