Implementation: ECOWAS hires a consortium of firms

Project implementation ROGEAP: lECOWAS commits group of firms for provide technical and financial assistance to companies off-grid solar PV companies and financial institutions in the 19 project countries.
As part of the implementation of the Projet Régional d’Accès à l’Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP)thement TSC Global/Intech-GOPA/AFC/BB and Co a officially signed a contract this Tuesday 1er August 2023 Abuja (Nigeria) as Project Fund Manager (PFM) from project ROGEAP “. La signing ceremony from service contractns services took place in the presence of
Mr. Amara S. SACKOR
CEO/President of TSC GLOBAL and representing the group and of
Commissioner Sédiko DOUKA
in charge of Infrastructures, Energy and Digitization and Chairman of the Chairman of the ROGEAP Project Steering Committee.
Following a procurement process in accordance with the donor’s procedures, the TSC Global/Intech-GOPA/AFC/BB and Co. has been selected by the ECOWAS Commission as the ROGEAP Fund Manager to provide Technical and Financial Assistance to the private sector, as well as to commercial banks and microfinance institutions in the countries covered by the project, in support of the Project Management Unit (PMU) based in Abuja and the BOAD in Lomé.
Comprising a number of companies specializing in financial support and environmental and social risk management for autonomous companies in the solar energy sector, the ” ROGEAP’s Project Fund Manager(PFM) is primarily responsible for supporting ECOWAS in implementing the project: sub-component A (b): support for the development of the regional ecosystem for sustainable growth of the off-grid industry, the sub-component A (c) sharing market information and facilitating exchanges between stakeholders, the sub-component A (d): increase regional demand through consumer awareness and promotion campaigns, and the sub-component A (e) Removing supply-side constraints by building the capacity of commercial financial institutions and other relevant stakeholders.
The ” ROGEAP’s Project Fund Manager will also be involved in the implementation of sub-component 1-B: technical support for company capacity-building, characterized by differentiated support throughout the company’s development lifecycle (start-up, initial phase, growth and maturity), the subcomponent 1-C financial support for companies through a catalytic subsidy to support a critical mass of entrepreneurs in the development of solar products, business models, etc. and the subcomponent 1-D Removing barriers to difficult markets through two types of subsidy: market entry subsidies and performance-based subsidies.
Also present at the contract signing ceremony were Mr. EL hadji SYLLA, Senior Advisor and Coordinator of ROGEAP, the Executive Assistant to the Commissioner of Infrastructures, Energy and Digitization, and PFM associate members/experts.
As a reminder, ROGEAP was initiated in 2017 under the name Regional Off-Grid Electrification Project (ROGEP), then restructured and relaunched in November 2020 by ECOWAS and its Technical and Financial Partners under its current name of “Regional Off-Grid Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP).”
It aims to increase access to sustainable electricity services in the fifteen ECOWAS member countries and four other sub-Saharan African countries (Mauritania, Central African Republic, Cameroon and Chad) for households, commercial enterprises, public health, education and community infrastructure through isolated solar systems, all based on a harmonized regional approach. The project is managed by a Steering Committee made up of representatives of the ECOWAS Commission, BOAD and the World Bank.
The USD 338.7 million project is financed by the World Bank, the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) and the Dutch Cooperation (DGIS). The ECOWAS Commission, the Centre Régional des Energies Renouvelables et l’Efficacité Energétique (ECREEE) and the Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (BOAD) are in charge of implementing the project, respectively for the development of a regional market and access to financing for isolated solar systems.
ECOWAS press release